tonight i went to a "worship" night. i put it in quotes cause i'm attempting to dissasociate the word worship with music.. i think i've become highly critical of almost anything anyone says. this i've come to realize is good and bad. good, cause then i dont just eat what's given to me... the whole test and approve thing. Bad, cause then no one ever says everything i believe to be true.
the guy tonight first talked about the commandment of being holy. He took one verse from leviticus and the same one out of 1 peter about being holy cause i am holy and spoke on it for a while. At the end of the first point he said that we sacrifice what we think is good for something greater. what we think is good... sin or girlfriend or boyfriend or xanga... and switch it for something better...the life of jesus. yeah i dug this point. i think he illustrated it well and everone was super into it. teling me it's worth it to give my life to jesus and let him make something great out of it... count me in.
point two, the condition of the commandment. lets just jump to isaiah 7:9 and get a little phrase out of it. Know what you're standing for. i dont remember so much what this point was about... oh wait. you can't be half holy. you can't so the here god i have you a little bit right now but not all of me kinda thing. i think i disagree with that. i think our life is a journey... and it's all about baby steps. so this one was a hard one to sit through. good illustrations though...
point three, the consequences of the commandment. where jesus says take up your cross and follow after me. The part where people will hate you. the part where we'll be persecuted because of what you believe. I believe this. I believe that our beliefs will be looked at as dumb and ridiculous and unnecessary. but i thought point one was about letting jesus making my "good" life way better than before. so this is where i became confused.
i'm done. i feel like i'm bashing this guy and it's totally not even necessary. this is to show you how it can be bad if i just sit and critique everything that comes my way. wait he contradicted myself, wait i dont believe that. i guess i need to find a balance. balance is a word that's getting used more and more in my vocabulary.
so... there's no point here anymore really. one day i'll have a deep thought for you all to chew on but for now, here's the random stuff you can chew on.
oh i had a couple of super great conversations tonight. with someone i told harsh realties to, to someone dealing with some harsh realities, and with my grandma. She was in the hopspital for a couple nights. Her heart is enlarged and beating funny. you can pray for her... i love her lots. night everyone.