Wednesday, May 25, 2005


so no one has found me on here... which i think is hilarious. I talked to jodi about it... but i dont think she's looked for me or read anything i've written. The whole idea of this thing is to network right? who am i networking with if no one has found me. I think this is how i live my life nowadays... waiting for someone to find me. Never really putting myself out there and jumping into the uncomfortable... rejecting people but never really being rejected, cause i never take the risk. Maybe that's why communities are so hard to form... maybe i'm just waiting for rejection again. Rejection from my brothers cause i'm not good enough or i'm "too good". Rejection from friends cause i'm not really sure how to stand up for myslef, so instead i get trampled on. The best friends i have... well i've showed them the kindness that been shown.. rejection.
But then there's acceptance. Oh how good it feels to be accepted and loved. How good it feels to be important in someone's eyes, mind, heart. Just a simple friend. You know it... you know it when you read a super sweet letter from a friend, or see a simple smile on someone's face... or just know it. so mabe i'll tell someone about this secret journal i've been hiding. Maybe i need to be less scared of rejection and more willing to accept the pain and love the struggle. maybe i need to go study for my final. yay...


monica said...

Ha i found ya. go figure =0). Well can i tell you how awesome you are, you make me laugh or smile everytime I see ya (and we don’t even hangout so much, so that my friend is an accomplishment). So thanx for being there and just being you. And i feel ya on the whole rejection thing. i know for me, this is something that i constantly have to face and try to overcome. havn't gotten there yet but they say acknowledging the problem is always the first step. So yeah, well I'm off to face the world. See ya to Ph tonite. And good luck on all those finals, eh. You know I feel ur pain when it comes to anatomy, tell me again why we need to know all this (j/k). =).k ciao.


Anonymous said...

you are worth discovering...time and time again.

aurora said...

i figure sometimes surgery is the only way and we gotta suck it up and face the operating room.

btw, when i read... i don't even see the english. at least you talk about the same subject in each post. look at some of mine. my grammar is fine but they don't really make sense and they weren't meant to.

and online, peter is the most honest out of all of us. it's give and take =p

Max Critchfield said...

buch, you're wicked. See you soon, girl.

boarderdudet said...

so comments are just about the greatest things ever. Thanks kids. your words of encouragement are ... encouraging. love...